SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
It’s that time again, The weekend is upon us – Kick back grab a coffee or a beer and scroll through today list of domain names in auction, what will be the name that makes you think… I might just stick bid on it and see if I can snag a win… Don’t forget to click through on the links below to check the price, those clicks are what helps keep this blog alive…
Have a great day and these are my top picks from the list below:, We spoke about this domain name last weekend it was once owned by Frank Schilling the domain name investor and it’s going cheap IMO… now we know .Net domain names don’t always bring the same resale value as a dot com or even some of the ccTLDs / Gtlds recently but this should be one if you can get for the right price sell for Five Figures and my last pick for the day is it’s 26 years old this dot com and just makes me think of the movie “ET” now I know some might not have even seen that movie but its one of the best just google “ET Phone Home”