Today: What’s the ideal number to hit for domain traffic to be valuable? / Domain Startup Summit / Sold for $4,416; for $3,001 / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news that caught my eye today.
Please appriase : – What kind of value do you think this domain has?
Buying my first domain – Any advice for a new investor that help them get started in the right direction? – This is a pretty niche category killer. What value to you think this one could be appraised at?
Domain Startup Summit – Anyone else going to be attending this?
What’s the ideal number to hit for domain traffic to be valuable? – Great question. I think a lot of investors are curious to know the answer to this one. Sold for $4,416; for $3,001 – Some recent sales reports to get you motivated.
What to look out for when searching for good parking domains? – Anyone out there with a business model that targets these types of domains that could share a few tips?
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