SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Today: How Domain Parking works in 2016 and who is the best player / No logo or a bad logo to sell a domain? / but letting me add my analytics? / Don’t Forget Your Domains/ And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news.
In your opinion how many brandable domain names are still unregistered? – I suppose that depends on if it’s limited to just .com or if any extension qualifies. If any extension qualifies then it could be pretty hard to narrow it down.
Sold for $2500 (My first ever sale) – It’s always nice to see motivating sales like this one.
Please, Appraise Domain Hack – – How much do you think this .site domain could be valued at?
Don’t Forget Your Domains – I think it’s a great idea to take inventory every couple months at a minimum.
No logo or a bad logo to sell a domain? – I think i have to agree that a bad logo is worse than no logo. If you really want to boost the value of a domain it needs an authoritative and trustworthy brand image.
How Domain Parking works in 2016 and who is the best player – Do you park your domains or looking to get started? This might have some tips that could help.
First Year Domaining Results – There is some interesting information that could potentially help others in this article.
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