Today: 4 and 5 character domain names still available / Questions to you ask potential buyers with low ratings or new to a marketplace / Happy Mothers Day / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news.
Post you franglais name here – Do you have a franglais domain name to share?
Go Daddy’s new webmail – glitches’ – Are you experiencing the same thing?
Please appraise: – How much do you think this domain is worth?
Happy Mothers Day – May all the mothers out there have a relaxing and rejuvenating day!
Questions to you ask potential buyers with low ratings or new to a marketplace – What questions do you ask them to feel more secure?
4 and 5 character domain names still available – How often can you grab one?
Pros and cons of running your own DNS server – What is your experience with managing your own DNS server?