2025 - Dot Com Discount Registration
Today’s list of domain names in auction at GoDaddy has some nice names that will be gone forever in the next 24 hours or might even be gone now in the Closeouts listed below too, The domain name I love from the list is “LoveCleaning.com” – Currently has a bid of $55 USD and make an outstanding name for a cleaning service, that could be located anywhere in the world… Do you LoveCleaning.com? – I would get a bid on this one before it’s gone…
On the ZERO Bids list – There is a great name RewardsChart.com, I have two children who are very excited about Christmas next week and we use a Rewards Chart at home… I can’t believe it has Zero Bidders… I might be one of them very soon… Own this gem today…2009 Registration and worth the $12 USD – RewardsChart.com
Are you a personal trainer? Then wouldn’t this make a great domain name for you? TheGymWorks.com – Own it on the Closeouts, don’t bid against anyone else, it’s your name for $50 USD – TheGymWorks.com
GoDaddy With Bids Ending in Less Than 24 Hours – Own These Before They Are Gone!
Domain Name – CLICK BELOW FOR LATEST PRICE | Domain Name | Traffic | Bids | Price |
HorseCare.com | HorseCare.com | 7 | 77 | $445 |
ConnectedLife.com | ConnectedLife.com | 2 | 76 | $997 |
CardMe.com | CardMe.com | 26 | 49 | $585 |
WomensForum.com | WomensForum.com | 0 | 117 | $3150 |
PerformanceZone.com | PerformanceZone.com | 22 | 22 | $285 |
ThinkingFast.com | ThinkingFast.com | 0 | 21 | $120 |
LoveCleaning.com | LoveCleaning.com | 2 | 8 | $55 |
PvcFlooring.com | PvcFlooring.com | 2 | 4 | $22 |
DigitalMarketingSpecialists.com | DigitalMarketingSpecialists.com | 13 | 10 | $50 |
GoDaddy ZERO Bids Ending in Less Than 24 Hours – Own These Before They Are Gone!
Domain Name – CLICK BELOW FOR LATEST PRICE | Domain Name | Traffic | Price |
RewardsChart.com | RewardsChart.com | 2 | $12 |
ShanghaiFinance.com | ShanghaiFinance.com | 56 | $12 |
FootballZoom.com | FootballZoom.com | 2 | $12 |
MomChurch.com | MomChurch.com | 0 | $12 |
PointsUsa.com | PointsUsa.com | 9 | $12 |
CheckRehab.com | CheckRehab.com | 0 | $12 |
SoftwareBob.com | SoftwareBob.com | 30 | $12 |
MortgageDebt.net | MortgageDebt.net | 0 | $12 |
BakeTherapy.com | BakeTherapy.com | 2 | $12 |
TalentBank.org | TalentBank.org | 2 | $12 |
GoDaddy Closeouts – Own These Before They Are Gone!
Domain Name – CLICK BELOW FOR LATEST PRICE | Domain Name | Traffic | Price |
AmazingQueen.com | AmazingQueen.com | 11 | $50 |
TonightBar.com | TonightBar.com | 19 | $50 |
TheGymWorks.com | TheGymWorks.com | 0 | $50 |
BoffinClub.com | BoffinClub.com | 0 | $50 |
SensoryTrials.com | SensoryTrials.com | 0 | $50 |
2 thoughts on “3 Dot Com Domain Names – I love in that you could own for less than $100 USD…”