Apple is going after in Poland – Apple Inc has filed the request for invalidation of the trademark for A.PL for goods and services in Class 9, 35 and 42 the… Back Online but how much did it cost us? Back online but how much did it Cost us and the Global Economy? So the worlds leading? and largest domain registrar is down – Some people are saying 25% of… taken down by Anonymous taken down by anonymous – is current not resolving and it’s not just millions of sites across the world are currently down as they are hosted by /…
Tom Chapman Interview
Tom Chapman Interview – I have asked various parties within the domain industry to take part some interviews to give us a little background about themselves, where they see the industry heading…
Smart Marketing by .Me or is it?
A story currently be covered online Get Social & Receive a Free .ME Domain Name Registration – Smart Marketing by .Me or is it? The story is currently online at the herald…
Ira Zoot Interview
Ira Zoot Interview – I have asked various parties within the domain industry to take part some interviews to give us a little background about themselves, where they see the industry heading…
FairWinds Partners hires new CEO
FairWinds Partners hires new CEO to join them Nao Matsukata, who said he has consulted for FairWinds in various capacities since its start about six years ago, is now heading up the…
Star Trek Into Darkness – Movie Sequel Registers Domain Name
Star Trek Into Darkness – Movie Sequel Registers Domain Name, Well it looks like their might be a sequel coming for Star Trek Fans, the domain names and www.startrekintodarknessmovie have been… tones down Superbowl Adverts
USA Today is reporting that CBS shall report today that 90% of the Superbowl adverts are sold out already! The season has only just started and they are virtually gone, Proving that…