SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations was previously sold for $5,000 USD, it has expired after 19 years, registered since the 13th of March 2003, and is on the auction block, bidding has already reached the previous sale price and currently stands at $5,050 USD at the time of writing, the auction closes today in less than 9 hours – Do you think it’s going to go for higher? There have been over 100 bids from 14 bidders – Click here to check out the current auction price.
NameBio has these two prior published sales with the plural selling for $787 USD back in 2018, so it is interesting why the non-plural demands significantly more. The domain looks like it has been parked at for most of its existence until it was acquired by David Sparks of YDS International who also owned a number of prepaid mobile phone / related domain names below, it then changed into privacy but we assume still owned by David / YDS International as it remains at GoDaddy with GoDaddy servers.
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