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Today: New domain investors need to slow down and study first! / Are One Word gTLDs Actually Worth It? / [WANTED] – .com with food, cook, or recipe / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news. – What kind of appraisal value would you give this domain?
Looking for dotme Domains 1-2 words – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these. This buyer is ready to invest. & – How much do you think these two domains are worth?
[WANTED] – .com with food, cook, or recipe – Be sure to double check your portfolio for one these.
New domain investors need to slow down and study first! – I think a lot of people tend to get excited and grab the cart before the horse. Going back to the basics could be good for everyone, even veterans sometimes.
Are One Word gTLDs Actually Worth It? – What side of the fence do you land on? Are you for or against them?
2017 and your domain investing strategy! What will you change? – Have you made your domain investing new year resolution yet? Care to share what strategies you’ll be changing and why?