SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
The domain name came into the limelight in 2008 when it was published as sold for $9,999,950, at the time the domain name sale was private and details weren’t confirmed by the seller or buyer to the best of my knowledge.
Using our whois parter we revealed that the domain name was registered to Michael Hlavsa from what we can see in some records around 2012 & 2013 but who is Michael Hlavsa, looking at names linked to email whois details and the address details whois at the time we can see that Signature Gaming Management, LLC also owned and found Michael on LinkedIn where he holds the job title of
Our whois records also found links to / Michael Hlavsa at the time, these were the other 22 domain names listed below and I think we all can agree that was the standout domain name in the small domain name portfolio.
Fast forward a decade and Elliot covered a post about the domain name sale of but this time the domain name price wasn’t revealed, however, it was brokered by Andrew Rosener’s company Media Options with bids being asked to exceed $2.5M USD, as the sale wasn’t published none of us know the price that it concluded for however taking an educated guess it was lower than the original $9,999,950 domain sale price in 2008.
As of Today is a developed website with content writers bringing content on content around financial services, the owner can’t be confirmed as whois privacy is in place but the contact us appears to show an address of 132 Menachem Begin Street, Tel Aviv.
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