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Best Free WordPress Templates
More and more domain investors are turning into part-time developers down to how easy it is to build a blog or website out using another reason why is domainers wanting to turn their domains into that might not have type in traffic into SEO designed and built websites, Can be a risk that can pay rewards depending on the domain and time you spend to build out site and maintain it.
You can buy premium WordPress templates and I am not saying dont but you should have a look at the Best Free WordPress Templates first before you jump in and spend cash on buying a wordpress template.
There are some good domainer services still out there to have you domain names built professionally with the likes of Tia Wood, Jacob Fedosky, Acro of Acroplex and many others offering a great service if you want a professional look and feel then you should check these guys out but if you have the time to build and test different themes and templates then you should look at these sites below for the best free WordPress templates.
WPShock has several free WordPress themes which are easily downloaded; there are no hoops to jump through to get them onto your desktop.
Themes Junction also has quite a few free WordPress themes but you can’t just download, you have to go through a bit of a process first. You can build free websites on this site and the free themes are included in that.
ManageWP is part of the WordPress family. Although this only has five free WordPress templates out a month I like it because it is updated every month with new themes and this is what makes it so unique and that’s what we want, unique!
Tripwire Magazine not only has a wide range of themes but it has themes for the different periods of your blog’s life. I am talking about pre-launch themes which have things like a countdown to launch day, what to expect and other features which build a buzz around your blog launch.
Checking out these four websites alone you will find the best free WordPress templates for your blog or website. As I said before there are other sites and you should check them out but beware of things like having to become a member, or paying a membership fee or other such things which can turn your ‘free’ Wordpress template into a paid template without you even knowing about it.
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