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Build your own domain marketplace I just received this email from Adam Dicker of and I thought I would share with community.
This is not a paid advertisement or an affiliate link where I am making money, just a strong recommendation for a good product.
About a year ago I setup using Iggy’s script Domain Trader. I still use it today and I strongly suggest you take a look at the features listed at
If you are you serious about domaining and you sell domains for profit or broker domains for clients you need to look at this script. Domain Trader is a professional domain auction and parking software, which allows you to manage a domain portfolio of 1 million domains or more. It is a self-contained domain marketplace hosted on your own server that allows you to sell your own domains, sell other people’s domains and make money from fees, park your own domains and keep 100% of the income without paying anything to the middleman.
Domain Trader is more than just software – it is a way to take your domaining business to the next level.
Domain Trader V2.5.2. has just been released and here are a few of the features that it brings:
1) Ability to park bulk domains by uploading a .txt file with keywords for each domain
2) Ability to sort domains by date added
3) Ability to sort domain by status (active/inactive/awaiting approval)
4) Ability to easily search and edit phrases/templates/javascript/css from admin panel
5) Ability to charge fees for listing domains
6) Ability to charge fees for highlighted listings
7) Ability to charge fees for domain certification
8) Added default language switch to back-end. Added language switch to front-end for all languages which admin has added.
9) Added “contact seller” button to domain listing pages. Can be turned on/off from admin panel.
10) Added search box on domain listing pages.
11) Added “AddThis” social module on domain listing pages.
12) When sellers receive an offer, they now get a message inside their Domain Trader accounts, in addition to receiving an email.
Please feel free to contact Iggy directly at if you have any questions at all
Adam Dicker
Sounds Cool! I will check this out.
but there aren’t one million domains that are worth more than
reg price. (just my opinion… other opinions may differ.)