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Chick-Fil-A goes for WIPO for! Two comedians from Brooklyn, New York have hired domain name attorneys Lewis and Lin to defend there domain name and website case being brought down against them by Chick-Fil-A Corporation there lawyers are claiming the domain name is similar and confusing to the Chick-Fil-A Trademark and the domain was registered in ba faith.
David Lin one of the attorneys for the comedians Jason Selvig and Davram Steifler States the domain name registration and use is perfectly legitimate. “While trademark law Protects corporations from infringements, corporations can’t use trademark law to Squelch criticism made through parody And satire, which is what is occurring in this case”
You can read more about the case here is a website featuring satirical videos, parodies and written content intended to critique the recent controversy surrounding Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy’s stated opposition to gay marriage. The site features three characters named Robert, John, and Harvey the Cow. These characters, on behalf of the fictional “Chick-Fil-A Foundation,” offer tongue-in-cheek advice purporting to promote “family values” and encourage the renunciation of homosexuality, including through the offer to trade one’s homosexuality for a chicken sandwich. “There can be no question that the website is meant to criticize the Chick-Fil-A president’s stance on the legitimacy of gay marriage. The domain name is part of that commentary,” says Lin. “Large corporations cannot be allowed to use trademark law as a sword to silence criticism of their company.