Page Howe as many know sold the domain name for $1.8m & for $1m and owns approx. 20,000 domain names.
Page has decided to set up a YouTube Channel and share his great knowledge and thoughts on the domain name industry, with Page’s blessing I shall be posting up the videos on as they are published on
Here is a recap of the videos from Page Howe in September and October below.
Domain Daily Show Sept 23 2015 Sedo Auction and New TLD’s
DNTV.TV Live Show Sept 23 2015.
LL Names Release Sept 24 2015
DNTV.TV September 24, 2015 L and LL and LLL’s
DNTV Live Chat 9.24.15
DNTV.TV Live Show – Who Bought also Netflix Losing URS on new GTLD
DNTV Daily Report 10-6-15
DNTV.TV Special Report on Short LLLL Domain Names
DNTv TV Domain Name Appraisal Errors 10-7-2015
DNTV.TV October 9 2015 Domains and Social Media
DNTV TV Daily Report 10 13 2015 2 32 30 PM
Best You can buy LL 10 22 2015 11 03 39 AM