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Today: How do you handle REJECTION when negotiating? / What’s the biggest pain or obstacle in your everyday work as a domainer? / Ever dropped a domain which later became a developed site? / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news.
[BUYING] 1 word .com – Check your portfolio for one of these.
How many domains you have sold in 2016? and what was your biggest sale? – Do you care to share your 2016 sales?
Appraise JEUN.COM – How much do you think this 4 letter pronounceable .com is worth?
How do you handle REJECTION when negotiating? – I think everyone has a slightly different reaction to this. What’s yours?
Ever dropped a domain which later became a developed site? – I think it’s interesting to see some of the domains that got developed and what market they targeted.
What’s the biggest pain or obstacle in your everyday work as a domainer? – Care to share your daily issues? Maybe someone has a solution.
Do dedicated domain landing pages actually work? – How many of you are using this technique with success?
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