Today: A surge in CPC due to the holidays? / The real age of a domain name / A registrar blocked transfer of a domain ? is this valid? / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news that caught my eye today.
Appraisals Please!! – – How much would you appraise this domain for?
Ownership of the never picked up name – I think it’s crazy that the old buyer would even suggest the new owner give it to them for free. Don’t you?
Any value for – What kind of value would you put on this domain?
A registrar blocked transfer of a domain ? is this valid? – What is your experience with transfer blocks and does this seem legit?
A surge in CPC due to the holidays? – Anyone else experiencing a surge like this in cpc?
The real age of a domain name – Breaking down the true age of a domain is not as hard as some people think.
Domain Brokers – Do they work for the average domain investor? – I’ve heard mixed stories and most claim that a broker won’t even touch a domain unless it’s worth 5 figures. What are your thoughts?
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