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Seagate Technology PLC (commonly referred to as Seagate) is an American data storage company. It was incorporated in 1978 as Shugart Technology and commenced business in 1979. Since 2010, the company is incorporated in Dublin, Ireland, with operational headquarters in Fremont, California, United States.
Should Seagate buy They could lease it for only $500
How do we find out which domain names are owned by Seagate well we use a feature called Reverse Whois Search with our partners, they scan for the chosen term in this instance was domain names related to the registrant email address that Seagate uses for domain registrations which is “seagate technology llc” and we get the results of over 258 domain names that Seagate has registered to them.
Here are my Top 5 Domain Names Owned by Seagate
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