Today: Keep it or Drop it? / sells for $4,000 / Hiring Blog Comment Writers / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news that caught my eye today: – How much is this ccTLD worth?
WTB, Keyword .coms – Check your portfolio for some of these.
Can you Appraise for – What kind of value does this batch of domains have?
Hiring Blog Comment Writers – Any writers out there looking for some side action?
Keep it or Drop it? – Do you have some domains you aren’t sure of? Share them here to see if you should keep them or drop them. sells for $4,000 – Excellent sale. Now to break it down and find out why it sold for that so we can all repeat the in success.
Domain parking experiences – Care to share some of your experiences so everyone can compare notes and see what different strategies are available?
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