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I have never been a big one for Podcasts however recently as I have started going to the Gym again and getting my body back in shape, I get fed up listening to the same old music over and over again – At first I started to listen to Bloomberg Radio and do I enjoy it but at 6 AM in the morning, it doesn’t always motivate me.
Instead I started to listen back to Podcasts by Andrew Allemann & Michael Cyger – Talking about domain names and making money online it is my passion and at 6 AM it is a better way for me to start my day off listening to some of the great stories of domain name investors past and present – There is so much FREE information out there to learn and I highly encourage everyone to even listen once a week to these podcasts.
The podcasts are by Domain Name Wire Podcasts & Domain Sherpa are both available from their own websites – has links to all podcasts & Domain Sherpa you can either go into each post and listen to audio only or visit iTunes and other platforms. – Domain Sherpa has over 250+ Podcasts on iTunes that you can go back to 2011 and listen if you haven’t heard before.
Do you listen to Podcasts?
Of course there are many more podcasts out there not just in the domaining world and I listened one this morning by Adam Dicker on shared by Raymond @
Adam talks about Lead Generation and how to make at extra 10K per month and how he is willing to help anyone starting out in the domain name industry even giving out his personal Skype and Cell Number at the end of the Interview.
If you have any other Podcasts that you believe I should listen too then please share in the comments below.
Thanks for mentioning the Domain Name Wire Podcast. It is also available on iTunes and Stitcher. Feel free to leave a positive review on iTunes for the podcast 🙂