SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Most people know of Frank Schilling and his parking platform Domain Name Sales, Frank also launched his own domain registrar Uniregistry which is growing daily and lets not forget the new GTLD’s that Franks company also operates and while doing all of the above his original domain name portfolio which is registered under the NAME ADMINISTRATION INC. (BVI). brand continues to sell domain names on a frequent basis and he has the portfolio mainly registered on nameservers, Currently there is over 254,000 Domain names pointed to these severs. I have pulled the most recent domain names transferred from Hosting Net so we can have an insight into some of the domain names that have been transferred out and we would presume sold by Frank Schilling company Name Administration.
Don’t forget to view the other Domains Transferred Posts on – &
4th of August 2015 two dot com domains were transferred out. – New Owner is Ozforex – New Owner is COUNTRYWIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIMITED – There was a Buy It Now price listed of $14,000 on
3rd of August 2015 one dot com domain was transferred out. – New Owner is MrChen – There was a Buy It Now price listed of $27,000 on
2nd of August 2015 one dot com domain was transferred out. moved servers to Uniregistry and Privacy Link however the domain name redirects to Oben.ME a company backed by IdeaLab – The domain was listed with a Buy It Now price of $88,000 on
1st 0f August 2015 one dot com domain name was transferred out. – New Owner is Andre de Beer and has the domain name email, There is a simple landing page showing on “MegaGroup was established in 1997. We are well known as a manufacturer and distributor of branded lifestyle consumer products to mass and independent retailers throughout Southern Africa” There was a Buy It Now of $18,000 on for the domain name
In the first 4 days of August if all of the above domain names with the prices shown on Afternic were sold that would be $147,000 in revenue in just 4 days for Frank Schilling and his Name Administration Inc company, now we can’t unfortunately confirm if they were all sold at BIN but I don’t believe they would have been much lower than the what they were advertised for on who knows maybe even higher if they client landed on the domain name sales page via direct navigation and negotiated directly with Frank and his team.
I shall bring more updates on other domain names transferred later this week but this is a great start to August for domain name sales even if these aren’t going to be reported on – Congrats to Frank and the new buyers!
Just keep in mind that the renewal fees alone on a quarter million domain names is a minimum of around 2 million a year. So that’s an average minimum of $167,000 per month in renewal fees alone. And of course that doesn’t even begin to consider the substantial costs of acquiring many of these high end domains in the first place, as I’m sure most are not cheap hand reg domains. Maybe that helps to keep those frequent sales and juicy sales prices in a more realistic perspective.
I agree the renewal fees must be a massive hit but remember at one point it was rumoured back in the good old days of parking Franks company was earning 10 million plus per year in just ppc. Of course that was only a rumour but I am pretty sure FS has covered his initial investment in this portfolio several times over the past 14/15 years that he has been in the domain business.
What sells is interesting, but I think what gets added would be even more interesting. Would see where he’s putting his money.
Yeah I can supply that information also if it’s of interest.
Do one for HugeDomains – would love to see how many names they move every week. Wouldn’t be surprised if they are selling 2,000 or more names per month.