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Today: A good place to find cctld stats / Breaking News! Does google allow more than 3 ads per page now? / Sold for $19,100; sold for $18,000 / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news that caught my eye today. Unbelievable. Adam Dicker Allegedly Continues to Take Money and Not Provide Services – What the? Not again! Is this for real? – How much is this domain worth?
Domain Buyer Group Idea – Your comments – I’ve seen hundreds of groups like this that didn’t really pan out. What are your thoughts on it?
Breaking News! Does google allow more than 3 ads per page now? – Is this news accurate at all? Sold for $19,100; sold for $18,000 – Some recent domain sales reports to get you motivated.
A good place to find cctld stats – How about it everyone? is there a good place to find all the ccTLD stats in one place?
EMD’s (Exact Match Domains) – The good, the bad, and the ugly – Do people still invest into EMD’s or are they a trend that’s slowly dying?
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