Today: WANT TO BUY 6N.COM , 3N .CO,.NET AND .ORG / WTB: Brand Bucket Approved Names / Just sold at auction / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news that caught my eye today: lost in udrp – Ouch! Losing a premium domain you paid high dollar for has to painful! – How much do you think this ones worth?
End user domain name sales including a .MX and .Bet – Somes ccTLD and New gTLD sales reports to help keep you motivated.
WANT TO BUY 6N.COM , 3N .CO,.NET AND .ORG – Be sure that you check your portfolio to see if you have one for this investor.
WTB: Brand Bucket Approved Names – Double check your portfolio for one of these.
Just sold at auction – Congrats! Nice to see .info’s selling.
Hand registered domain already listed for sale elsewhere! What would you do? – Ever had a situation like this one before? How does an investor approach such a situation?
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