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How to Re-Use Old 2012 Articles for your website or blog
Below is a good article for any domainer that develops their own website or runs their own blog it is by a website that I visit frequently and one I have mentioned in previous posts and would recommend that all domainers visit even if its only once a month.
The article focuses on how to re-use old 2012 articles for your website or blog and it something especially at this time of the year when content can sometimes be a little low on your website that you look back old articles and see if you can put another spin on them or update, It also shows your readers if you follow-up on an article that you care about the topic your originally wrote about.
Here is a link to the site where you can read more posts from the team over there.
Bloggers know that sometimes articles get pushed to the side. Whether it is because there was important news that trumped the article, a blog that doesn’t accept guest articles, or an article that became irrelevant too fast, you likely have a “miscellaneous” folder full of old content from 2012. The trick, however, is not to let this folder get too big—try to re-use these old articles as we enter into the New Year.
Top 5 Tips to Help Bloggers Re-Use Old or Rejected Articles
Re-using old articles sometimes doesn’t seem possible, but it’s important never to waste content. You worked hard on writing the article, and chances are there is someone out there somewhere who wants to post it. Do a little bit of extra work on the content, and you should save yourself time and gain that extra SEO bonus. Below are a few tips to help make sure you do it right:
- Take a new angle. If the article isn’t completely relevant or doesn’t make sense anymore, try taking a new angle. Take the article you’ve already written and just re-word it in a different way. You’ll likely still be able to use some of your transition sentences and hopefully your introduction and conclusion. Although this may sound like you’re writing a new article, you would be surprised and just how much smoother things go when you have a structure.
- Settle on authority. One reason that many people don’t re-use old articles is because they wanted to send that article to a really great, PR 5 site. The truth is, however, that sometimes you’re going to have to settle on authority when you’re trying to place an article that was previously rejected or has gotten old. Some of the newer, up-and-coming sites are happy to work with an old article, but the very authoritative sites are usually picky. Just don’t be picky yourself.
- Never tell them! There really isn’t a reason to tell another website that you’re sending them an article that was actually intended for a different website. Telling them this will only turn them off and make them feel as though the content wasn’t written with their audience in mind (which it may not have been). Still, you and I know that some content can be relevant to more than one website, and deep down the editors know this too, just keep it quiet.
- Watch the saved title. It’s never a good idea to send a website an old article when the attachment says the website title of the website where you wanted to send the article. Many writers do this to stay organized, but this goes right along with the “don’t tell the editors” tip.
- Make sure it’s old. This might sound crazy, but sometimes people try to use “old” articles that have actually been published somewhere in the past. This is the biggest mistake you can make because the website could get hit with a duplicate content penalty. Therefore, it’s important to check all of the articles in that “miscellaneous” folder by taking an excerpt of a paragraph and plugging it into Google.
Re-using old articles is something incredibly common amongst guest bloggers. It helps to make sure that no work is wasted. If you have any tips to re-using your old 2012 content, let us know in the comments below.