SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Happy Hump Day Team – Another Wednesday and only 16 days Christmas… this year as much as being terrible for many reasons have absolutely flown past the days just seem to disappear…
There is another interesting thread over at NamePros regarding the domain name selling for $11,000 USD and the domain name investor raising this question –
If Domainers cared about trademarks why was this domain sold?
Well, I think it’s a valid question from what appears to be from a new domain name investor (this is based on them only being at NamePros since Nov 20) – We warn and tell many newbies to stay away from Trade Mark domain names, and rightly so however there is a huge difference between registering and as examples.
Google and another keyword in most instances would be classed as passing off trying to use the Google Keyword to your benefit, however, Shoes might be trademarked in hundred of countries but this is a generic word.
Any trademark holder would have huge difficulty in convincing a panel that was registered in bad faith… Does that make sense? If not leave a comment and I’ll explain in more detail.
A Trade Mark is one reason to stay away from certain domain names, however other trademarks aren’t necessarily something that should stop you.
There are 20 answers on the thread so far and well worth a read or comment if you have a thought on this subject.
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