SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
This post on NamePros is bound to gain some traction and covers a point that is discussed frequently over on Clubhouse a lot, It’s an area of the industry that I do think we are all missing out on opportunities but again one that is difficult to convince a business if they are planning developing a business, to trust you and you to trust them to build a business on your domain name.
So what am I talking about – It is Domain Name Leases…
The title is one that caught my eye and I would recommend you all to head on over to the thread by clicking here and leave your thoughts on Domain Name Leasing at “My biggest surprise about domaining over the past decade and more”
I have a couple of names that have been leased out for over 15 years. Other names I rented the lessee discovered it takes a lot of time and work to make a website that generates money. I still think it’s a good idea for some people to lease and see if the idea they have for your domain will make money and if it does then as the lessor you have someone who can buy your name and know the value of it.