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Happy Sunday, I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend?
I haven’t investment in any AI / Machine Learning Names however on the back of a few successful posts that I have seen other investors making in this area, I was doing a little research today and came across the terms Scalable Machine Learning, It was actually being used as an Exact Match by Arm also known as Arm Holdings who Computer Chips for many years used to power many devices we use every day from Apple iPhones & iWatches to many other large chip manufacturers licensing or using the Arm Architecture to build there chips.
Doing a broad search on Google returned 110,000,000 results and once narrowing this to an exact match of term this is still 182,000 results in Google confirming this term is being used by others, I noted that CloudEra, Accenture & Activate Eon are all bidding for the exact match term.
Sheffield University in the UK actually has a model on Scalable Machine Learning by Dr Mauricio Alvarez & Dr Haiping Lu with the below being an extract from the course module description.
This module will focus on technologies and algorithms that can be applied to data at a very large scale (e.g. population level). From a theoretical perspective it will focus on parallelization of algorithms and algorithmic approaches such as stochastic gradient descent. There will also be a significant practical element to the module that will focus on approaches to deploying scalable ML in practice such as SPARK, programming languages such as Python/Scala and deployment on high performance computing platforms/clusters.
CodeMentor also has written a great article on Scalable Machine Learning again giving me more confidence in the term.
Now that you understand why scalability is needed for machine learning and what the benefits are, we’ll do a deep dive into the various solutions that address the frequent problems and bottlenecks we may face while developing a scalable machine learning pipeline.
So I am going to give this name a little outbound something I don’t generally do with my domain names and see if I can score a sale on this term, have you bought any AI names recently?
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