SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
It was great reading about the sale of on Morgan Linton’s blog yesterday £600K is approx. 937K US Dollar – If it does become officially reported it would chart in the Number 3 Spot beating Rick Schwartz recent sale of for 801K.
I am a big believer in the market and while we don’t see many reported sales hitting these levels it is nice to hear about them and see them being shared with the domain community, I generally build out my domain names that are – My top domain for development that I am looking at finding a partner with is – If this was the Dot Com it would be a six figure name all day long but as its UK and not developed, I probably would struggle to see four figures for the domain name.
Anyway here are todays threads from that caught my eye.
Brandbucket sold my domain – won’t tell me final sale price – Odd, has this happened to anyone else? + more – Ran across some more 4 letter liquid .com’s for sale. max $1200/domain – Time to dig through your portfolio again to see if you have any 3 character .com’s for this buyer. Sold for $11,036; for $8,000… – Some more motivating domain sales to get the juices flowing. – Where are all the 3 letter .com experts to help give this guy an appraisal?
OPERATION “Show me your .men” – Not quite sure the new .Men gTLD will do very well, however, if you have one, share it here. – Here’s a seemingly nice new gTLD for finance. What do you think it’s worth?
is there an appraisals site without limit? – Has anyone run across one without a limit?