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Today: % of users that type the exact domain? / DomainingEurope Special 50% Discount for Namepros / which is the most secure domain registrar company? / And more.
Here are the new threads that caught my eye:
WTB $250 each – Check your portfolio for one of these. – Any value in this typo? Sold for $10,087; for $10,000… – Some recent sales reports. – Does this have value as a generic term or could there be a TM issue?
% of users that type the exact domain? – What are your thoughts?
which is the most secure domain registrar company ? – Is there such a thing?
DomainingEurope Special 50% Discount for Namepros – Gotta love a discount
How much would you expect to sell a keyword .nTLD vs equivalent .COM? – What % do you think it is?