SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Today: Discuss your “Top Domains” rejects / what is your opinion in xyz extension? / Sold for $55,600; for $50,000 / And more.
Here are the new threads that caught my eye:
A buyers intrest – How do you reply to a buyer that contacts you?
Available to reg 4N.CH (Chinese?) domains without 0 and 4. – A long available list for those interested in this niche. – What kind of value does this one have?
what is your opinion in xyz extension? – Anyone a fan of this extension? if not, why aren’t you?
Discuss your “Top Domains” rejects – What are some of your domain rejects? Sold for $55,600; for $50,000… – Some recent sales to get you motivated.
Useful Chinese Sentences For Domain Sales – Might be interesting for those of you in the Chinese markets.
Wanted $15- $350.coms and – Check your portfolio to see if you have one for this investor.
English 1 Word .COM Domains – Another investor looking to buy.