SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Monday the start of another week and back hitting the gym at 6AM and listening to the Domain Sherpa Podcast, It really is something that everyone who is in the domain name business should take 1 hour per week and listen to the Sherpas – The information and advice is 100% Free and its great hearing their opinion on a range of different topics in regards to domain names.
Also the Podcast is another must listen to show and again it only last 30 – 60 minutes per week!
Here are todays Threads.
Buddypress customisation Needed – Anyone have some BuddyPress coding and design skills to help this guy? – No Reserve – Just saw this 4 letter .com at auction.
Looking for Revenue Domain – Time to dig in your portfolio again to see if you have one for this investor.
Please review and appraise my content based website.- fematestanswers. com – Check the stats on this one and let them know what you think it’s worth. – What do you think this ones worth?
Anyone from france? Help – Any French domain investors out there that can help? sold for $19,500 – Here’s a nice sales report to get you motivated. – Check out this pronounceable / brandable 4 letter .com being sold.
I think it’s a good domain name with the LLLL .com market being extemly hot right now. Could be a good brand name as well.
I agree with taking some time out of the week to watch and listen to shows like the Sherpa. If you are serious about the business, you should be taking time out to learn new info.
To piggyback to what Omar mentioned about the being hot right now, the name itself is very pronounceable and even though it has an extra M I still see Rum right away and think of the drink. Someone can definitely use this domain in many ways and create a profitable site from it.
Continuous education is key in this industry and there is always something to learn. I just find it amazing how all this information is accessible due to the fact that we all can make a profit and grow in the domain business.
– Will