SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Build it and they will come… It is true if you build a website with good relevant content they will come… Type in traffic is still a major plus in any domain name but if you develop a domain with solid content, Google will send you traffic! I am experiencing a massive amount of traffic from the Big G! I still see some from Bing but 80%+ of traffic to my websites are coming from Google while this is a worry as Google might decide to change their algorithm at anytime and I would then see a massive drop but at present Google is giving me 1000’s of potential customers to my websites everyday and I am loving it… Conversion rates are something that I am now playing about with and trying to improve the number of visit vs bounce rate and then the customers that stay on my sites ensure they either checkout, directly with me or send to a 3rd party affiliate to earn commission.
Is anyone else noticing a good solid increase in traffic from Google this year or is just me?
Here are todays threads from – Look out for List of Domain Name Purchases which shall be going live later today yesterday we brought you the domains transferred and assume sold yesterday.
$8.88 – Dot COM Domain Name Registrations
expired domain vs hand reg- what will you advice – Any of you veterans have some helpful advice?
Domain names can be subject to freezing orders, UK government minister says – I didn’t know that about UK government, did you?,,M,, min 100 max 15k – Time to dig through your portfolio again and see if you have anything for this investor. – What do you guys think this ones worth?
Brandable Short Tea or Nature .com domain – Another investor looking to buy brandables.
Frank Schilling Podcast – This might be interesting to listen to since Frank is a well known and successful domain investor. Sold for $11,110; for $8,000… – Some more motivational sales reports.
Been out of the domain buying/selling for awhile.. – Anyone got a few minutes to help this 2003 investor that’s been out of the game a while get up to speed on the current markets?