SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations should work with Sendori
Sendori for those of you who don’t know who they are a domain monetization platform with a difference, This is taken from there About Us page “Our goal is to be the only direct navigation company that connects people with the brands they really want the first time they try. We are now helping thousands of people each day successfully navigate on the web while avoiding malware sites. We are also creating compelling solutions for our partners (advertisers, ISP’s, App developers) that help generate revenue and protect brand equity. For Internet users, the result is a faster and more satisfying search experience—one based on understanding where web users want to go and forgiving them when the address they enter is spelled incorrectly.”
Well why should be working with Sendori? Well this post named A Pizza Puzzler is covering the story about the typo that Papa Johns doesn’t own which is, The current registrant has it parked with Sendori which redirects the type in traffic to either a PPC Lander or the Pizza Hut website,
The article suggests the domain is “typically receives between 6,000 and 15,000 visitors per month, most of whom are surely looking for the pizzeria’s real homepage.”
Papa Johns are not the only one’s who have messed up by not buying typos of their domains, I too have learned this lesson – As you know my blog is called well I should have also registered to protect my brand but I didn’t and it was registered on the 9th of October this month by Anonymous You LLC which would appear to be a domainer as they own 2,800 domain names.
The domain has been registered since April 2000 – That is 12 years of lost traffic… I wonder how many orders they have lost to not protecting there brand?
dude, i tell you this, i had my name, and i forgot to renew, and now buydomains own it, and they fudging want 1500 usd, lol, am worth more than that, that is why i would not buy, if they would price it at 1.4 million, then i would go ahead, sacrastic:)