SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Congratulations to Homi Wong who shared on Twitter that they sold the domain name for a cool $99,995 USD and acquired the domain name at GoDaddy Auction for only $730 USD!
Homi also shares how at one time they had the domain name priced for sale at $16,500 USD and couldn’t get it sold but not long after transferring it over to DynaDot Homi managed to hit it big just missing out on a six-figure sale by only 5 bucks! has been registered since 2001, I am not sure when Homi won the auction at GoDaddy for the domain name so can’t confirm an ROI by CAGR but turning any investment from under $1K to nearly $100K is why we love the domain name industry!
***Updates following my post shared on NamePros, appears that Melinda Gates aka Bill Gates has bought this as an upgrade using as a forwarder to her .org present.
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