SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
I know I haven’t been as active on the blog recently and its more been syndicated posts to but I am still active in Domaining, We had another baby, a little girl named Quinn back in November and that has been keeping us very busy having two children that were under two, Isaac turned two in Jan and is starting to talk now and rarely gives us 5 minutes before he is bed so the blog unfortunately got put to the side in regards of new content, but I am continuing to invest and acquire domains, mainly as that is where I have had the most success with eCom stores but a few dot com names also, I still don’t own any GTLD’s and yes I know there is some money to made in them, I just haven’t switched my investment strategy to them.
I will try to get more content up on the blog and I hope you all continue to read, I wanted to do a quick Poll today to ask – Do you use GoDaddy Premium Domain Listing?
I have listed a few Dot Com domains on GoDaddy Premium Listings and I shall wait and see if they gain much traction, obviously you list via if you a BIN they automatically list you in GoDaddy among many other domain registries too.
What is a GoDaddy Premium Listing basically, It allows End Users searching for a domain name to register on the option to purchase your domain name if you are wanting to sell it, Here is an example of a domain name I own, If you search on GoDaddy Forgive You, the below will show, giving you the option to purchase the domain name.
This of course comes with a charge, It is FREE to list your domain names note only .Com, .Net, .Org & .Co domains are supported, however if the domain name sells – GoDaddy takes 10 -20% Commission dependant on the value of the domain name, so please bear this in mind when you price your domain names on GoDaddy Premium Listings.
You can read more about GD Listings on there website here is the link, click here.
Here is the Poll below – If you can take One Minute to complete that would be great and I shall share the results later this week.
[polldaddy poll=”9664612″]
I vote: “Yes, I do and have sold domains on Godaddy.”
Go.Daddy is a great company, reliable and very reasonable.
Thanks for Voting – What domains have you sold on there if you dont mind sharing with us? Would be great to hear, Thanks.
Robbie good to hear from you again on your blog and congratulations on your daughter. I always enjoy reading about what you are doing with your stores on your names.
If you list a domain for sale on SEDO it no longer comes to GoDaddy, that changed a few years back. What we recommend is listing the domain on which, if you have a Buy It Now price will also list the domain as a premium listing on GoDaddy as well as listing it in over 100 other registrars such as 9 of the top 10 current registrars.
The commission is the same and this allows you to manage your listings in one place and get the most exposure. I hope you see some good sales on our platform.
Thanks Joe for the update re Sedo, I’ll update the post to reflect that asap.