SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Today: [BUYING] Domains containing Brand/Brands / Market Resell Price for keyword rich hand reg.’s / Lets boycott new gTLD’s! / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news that caught my eye today:
VIR (vir) Domain discussion – Anyone else investing into the vir market? Seem’s pretty new to me. – appraisal please – Any value in a domain like this one? $115K – Saw this premium listed today. I wonder if they will get their asking price.
Market Resell Price for keyword rich hand reg.’s – What is the average price tag these days for this market?
[BUYING] Domains containing Brand/Brands – Check your portfolio for some brandable domains. This buyer is interested.
Lets boycott new gTLD’s ! – Is someone really trying to boycott new gTLDs because they don’t like the registration and renewal prices of some of them?
Sharp rise in 4 letters Chips .com – Anyone else seeing this spike in the Chinese .com CHIPs market?
“Is someone really trying to boycott new gTLDs because they don’t like the registration and renewal prices of some of them?”
The way the whole process that Registrars need to check on renewal prices with the registry is not cool. the registries price is not out -there. Why not have it out there and foster competition between registrars??
We as domainers are the #1 people ask us what we do..and it has more of an affect than their ads or marketing initiatives. its called word to more and personalized marketing.nothing beats that.
I believe we have more power as a crowd than we think.
Beyond that Rigthside already stopped high renewal prices but not retro and the others have not yet joined in.
Come join us too!
There is a whole group getting ready to boycott them ! We are already working on it.