Today: .Top’s fantastic rise to the top of the spam charts! / Tactics to avoid trademark issues / just sold for $1,903 / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news that caught my eye today:
Most frequent (best selling) DOMAINS – This is a great topic to learn and share statistics on the best selling niches. – Need an Appraisal..URGENT! – How much do you think this ones worth?
Anybody ever partner to buy a premium? – There has to be a few people that have partnered out there. Where are you? just sold for $1,903 – Interesting sale. Do you think it sold at a fair price.
.Top’s fantastic rise to the top of the spam charts! – Anyone else tracking these statistics? Do you think it hurts investment value?
Tactics to avoid trademark issues – Care to read and share with others about this topic?
The auto industry closed, think I’ll do ok Domaining? – So not that there is no auto work in this area, do you think that domain investing could supplement the lose of work?
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