Today: Warning. New Phishing scam / Domain name flipping (Alias IDs) / Are .biz domains worth investing into? / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news.
What are the most important things to look for when hunting for a good expired domain? – Care to share some of your tips and tricks?
Once an expired domain goes back to the registry, how many days before it is available for registration – Do you have the answer to this question? – Do playful phrase hack domains like this have some value?
Domain name flipping (Alias IDs) – Sounds like some pretty unethical front running to me. What are your thoughts?
Are .biz domains worth investing into? – Do you own any? Have some tips for investing in this extension?
Warning. New Phishing scam – Has anyone else come across this cPanel email?
The day I sold my first domain – Do you remember your first domain sales and how it made you feel?
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