Today: Happy New Year / What percentage of your portfolio was .COM end of 2016? / No logo or a bad logo to sell a domain? / Threshold pricing for top-notch CVCV .com names / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news.
Don’t make this mistake! – We live and we learn!
Trustworthy and good name broker? – Is there a list of certified and trusted brokers somewhere you could share?
The +the – Is there much value in these type of domains?
Threshold pricing for top-notch CVCV .com names – Does someone have the statistics for this niche?
Happy New Year – 2017 is coming fast. Tomorrow! May you and your family have a better 2017 than you did in 2016.
What percentage of your portfolio was .COM end of 2016? – Are you one of the ones that jumped on the new gTLD wagon? How has it affected your portfolio?
The domain investor commandments for early 2017 – Do you have your 2017 commandments and resolutions ready?
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