Today: Domain name locked due to Pending UDRP Complaint after paying One Million USD / I want to buy LLLL.COMs / Driverless Domains & Drone Domains / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news. – What would you appraise this domain at?
Showcase your BEST ICO (Initial Coin Offering) Domain – Do you have any of these domain to show off? – How much do you think this domain is worth?
I want to buy LLLL.COMs – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these. This buyer is ready to invest.
Domain name locked due to Pending UDRP Complaint after paying One Million USD – Wow! is this for real, a $1M dollar deal locked after payment?
Driverless Domains & Drone Domains – Are you investing in either f these niches and have some data to share?
The fun part of domain investing! (Taxes) – For those of you that were not aware, domain sales are subject to taxation in most countries. This is a good read!