SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Today: Expired/deleted domain names / Law firm claim Trademark infringement and cybersquatting / Anger Over My Newly Registered Domain / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news.
Would you rather pick a mediocre .com or top-tier keyword cctld domain for a startup? – Which one would you choose to for your new brand? – How much do you think this domain is worth? and just changed hands! – A couple recent Chinese domain sales reports to get you motivated.
Expired/deleted domain names – What is the best way to structure and organize this business model?
Anger Over My Newly Registered Domain – Have you ever received a phone call like this from the previous owner for a domain you registered?
Law firm claim Trademark infringement and cybersquatting – Does anyone have experience in this area that could lend some advice?
The Most Lucrative Domain Niches – Collaborate and share with other niche investors.
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