SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
It’s that time of the week again, to grab a coffee, green tea or maybe a beer and check out some of the domain names in auction this weekend at GoDaddy, There are some real nice names that I personally like noted below, so what will you be interested in bidding on this weekend?, This is a really fragmented industry TV & Film production so many small players operate around the world, this domain name would certainly make your Film Crew standout from the crowd. – A solid one word, dictionary domain name that should bring Five Figures all day long and currently less than $2K. – Unfortunately, we live in a world where theft happens a lot and trades people get there tools stolen from there work trucks, many these days have to install a Tool Safe and this is a domain that has lots of potential for an end user brand or affiliate store.
Check out the rest of the list and please if you are interested following the links below, it helps to pay for the blog and won’t cost you a cent more…