SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
So I got asked the other day, do we get paid to write or promote these listings, the short answer is NO! However, the links we share below are affiliate links, so what does that mean? Well basically every time you click on a link we share like the domain names below, should you decide to bid on the domain name and win, we would be paid a small commission by our affiliate partner who works with GoDaddy.
However, the way it works is that the last link you use i.e. You might have visited clicked on a name below bid and then visited another blog and also clicked on one of their links and bid on a different domain but that was the last link you used before you paid, this means they (last link) gets paid the commission and while that might not seem fair it works both ways as sometimes we benefit from the reverse.
It’s not ideal and really it should be the first click not the last like many other affiliate programs online but that’s life…
I just wanted to reach out and say – Thank You, as traffic has increased over the past few weeks and the affiliate income has too and that’s down to you following our links and supporting the blog!
We don’t just do this for the money, it’s for the love of finding the domains but the small commission earnings help to keep the blog afloat…
Have a great day and happy bidding!,, & – All four of these domain names have been registered since 2004 and I don’t normally have a group like this but if you were going to acquire and develop one, you might want to try and develop all four, now, of course, people use the acronym NFL, MLB, NBA & NHL then key tickets but if you are good at SEO could these domains pay dividends? They all end today and currently have ZERO bidders.– Registered in 2003, this 20-year-old dot com Italian Geo City domain name gets over 33K in exact match searches on Google every month, with Zero bidders, you could own the niche and build a nice geo website offering information and deals for tourists visiting Trieste Italy. – Registered in 2004, this 19-year-old dot com, this domain name once part of the famous domain name investor Frank Schilling’s portfolio that he sold to GoDaddy has let this and many other adult-themed domain names expires recently – Over 90.5K exact match searches on Google every month which amazes me… Zero bidders and ends today will you snag it for $12 Bucks?