SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Hey everyone, how are you? Today marks the start of Q2, so how was your Q1 in domain names, personal or business life?
In domains, we did some nice brokerage deals and have a few still in progress, personal sales weren’t strong but we aren’t actively promoting sales within the portfolio, and affiliate revenues well they haven’t been too much to talk about really in Q1, Q3 last year was our strongest year and we saw the momentum start in Q2 2022 so I am hoping for the same again.
Now back to the domain names, I am wanting to try something a little different this month and see what is your feedback, we shall still post a list of domains in the auction but I wanted to share this post of 3 Domains Per Day that I am watching and why…
So here is the list for today: – Registered since 2000, this 23-year-old dot com has lots of potential to be sold to well an Auction House or maybe one that I should own since we promote domain name auctions, what do you think? It is taken in 75 other TLDs and has 110K exact match searches on google per month. – Registered since 2002, this 21-year-old dot com returns a number of businesses online already using this term or similar terms containing Media Solutions, It is registered in 52 other TLDs but has a relatively low search volume of around 3,600 exact match searches on google per month, bidding is low and sitting at under $300 bucks at the time of writing this post. – Registered in 1996, this 27-year-old dot com would be ideal for being developed with Local / Regional news across the Florida state, while being one of the most popular tourist hotspots in the USA for Orlando, Florida you could cover so many stories and build trust using the exact match domain name Florida News.
It’s ok not to agree or like what I am personally watching – Why not check out the rest of the names by following this link here to view the latest expired domain names in the auction list.