SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
I was at the gym this morning working out, I’ve joined the 5AM have you? While listening to the radio I heard an advert for a service named Till or at least that is how I assumed it was to be pronounced.
In the UK, we often call a cash register a “Till” head down to the “Tills” to pay, they are next to the “Till” etc so when I heard this advert this morning talking about a new payment processor named Till, I assumed that’s how it was spelt, however like many companies that continue to come up with branding that doesn’t pass the radio test, at the very end they said the search for us in the app store that’s “Till, T Y L”
I was thinking aww they must have come up with TYL instead of Till as they don’t own / and wanted to build this new brand on or… again I was wrong they have chosen to build the brand and website on – Yes that’s correct they have chosen to launch a brand on a domain name they don’t own that doesn’t pass the radio test…
I get it they are trying to drive people to download the app and the domain name isn’t as important, however, I can see this being a competitor to Square aka Square UP her in the UK who are the dominant players and disrupted the payment processing area here in the UK for the past few years – Square, however, did own, even though they called themselves Square and eventually acquired
The big difference we have here is Natwest is a well-known name here in the UK, they are a bank owned by NatWest Holdings who more commonly was previously known as Royal Bank of Scotland, they have the cash available to buy AdWords and rank for the top terms but it always seems crazy to be why they haven’t spent the cash to acquire the domain names for this new brand.
If you are the domain name investor who owns or, I would be pushing up your prices as you are probably going to start getting a ton of traffic looking for this service and hopefully one day not in the too distant future Natwest should come knocking and acquire your domain names.
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