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WikiLeaks’s domain registrar, Dynadot, has been subpoenaed for server data. is the current registrar of – The domain has been registered since 2006-10-04, I am not sure how long it has been at but I have a feeling it wont remain with them for long various companies that have had any tie in with wikileaks eventually breakaway like stoping accepting payments etc.
Dynadot is an ICANN accredited domain name registrar and web host located in San Mateo, California. Founded in 2002 by a software engineer, our primary focus is engineering and design excellence. Our custom written, state-of-the-art domain and hosting software is stable, fast, and easy to use. From humble beginnings, we have grown steadily and now serve thousands of customers from 108 different countries around the world. and are both registered but remain offline they appear to currently been registered via ICANN Registrar GANDI SAS who operate on and are a French Registrar.
The government has also subpoenaed for the private e-mails of WikiLeaks volunteer Jacob Appelbaum, who has been detained multiple times at airports by federal agents who have questioned him about his links to WikiLeaks.
The “compromise of US government classified information” is being investigated and prosecuted, but WikiLeaks did not “compromise” any US government databases. The person alleged to have “compromised” classified information is Pfc. Bradley Manning, and he has been charged and is in the midst of a court martial.
It is not a crime to publish classified information, yet a federal grand jury has been empaneled in Alexandria, Virginia, by the US Justice Department to investigate WikiLeaks
What are your thoughts on this? Should Dynadot keep online via their registrar or should they be asking wikileaks to move along?