SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
The domain name has recently applied for its trademark term with the filing occurring on the 4th of February 2021, It is still pending according to this recent WIPO listing here.
YOU.COM™ trademark registration is intended to cover the category of
So what is This amazing worth arguably millions of dollars is planning to launch a search engine to take on the behemoth known as Google, many have tried over the years and while I do wish the team behind every success they are going to need deep pockets from there VC’s to try and get some traction and users against Google.
Here is a screengrab from which hasn’t launched yet but you can register for early access and receive your own user name.
Elliot covered about back in December and noted that it was owned by SalesForce founder Marc Benioff, I looked into the founder Richard Socher who owns and you can learn a little more about him from this exert
“Aloha, I am currently the CEO of, a new trusted search engine.
Previously, I was the chief scientist (EVP) at Salesforce where I lead teams working on fundamental research, applied research, product incubation, CRM search, customer service automation and a cross-product AI platform for unstructured and structured data. Before that I was an adjunct professor at Stanford’s computer science department and the founder and CEO/CTO of MetaMind which was acquired by Salesforce in 2016. In 2014, I got my PhD in the CS Department at Stanford. I like paramotor adventures, traveling and photography.”
Below is a historic Trade Mark application that we can see started by Marc Benioff founder of, however it appears the TM was never completed and we are unsure if Marc sold/leased or gave the domain name Richard Socher, it would be great to find out…
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